Join me in my trip to Gabon this summer

Haven't you ever wanted to with your own eyes and experience for yourself what Great things God has been doing through the hands of his servants in Gabon? Well if you do, we invite you to come and join us in His ministry serving with Envision in Gabon, West Africa.

What can you do? - well here's a list of the many things are available:
-Work Project Ministry (basic needs, home repair, construction projects for churches, Hope House Ministry)
-Outreach Ministry (Evangelism)
-Compassion/Medical Ministry (loving children at Hope House, being the hands and feet of God, medical assistance)
-Community Development Ministry
-Church Development Ministry (ESL classes)
-Sports outreach ministries
-Mobile Medical Clinics

How you can Help:
1.Pray for God's guidance as I lead short-term mission teams
2.Pray that God will provide for all my finances of this trip
3.Pray for safety
4.Pray that my team members and I will develop healthy relationships
5.Pray that God stirs your heart to pray for me daily

Romans 10:14-15 "How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!' "

Sunday, November 14, 2010

What's God Speaking to me about?

It was a few months ago that I met with Matt Peace and Tim Brokkop about working with Envision this summer and further in the future.  Last summer working alongside with Tim was absolutely amazing and God truly sprung an interest with Envision.  But I'm scared! Thoughts of doubt and realistically placing myself in the position of the "missions coordinator" discouraged me because I didn't really believe that I could take on this responsibility.  But God's is soo good and gracious to me and has repeatedly been comforting me.  I can't say that it was just one day that God spoke to me and said that everything will be ok, rather it has been a constant encouragement that God is here with me and watching over everything I do and will yet to do.  A series of chapels, Sunday services, and personal devos that God has focused my complete attention on Him, and reminding me that "it's all about HIM!"  My personal life with God has been AMAZING!!!  God is just SOO good to me and his blessings are never-ending.  I have presented my desires before His thrown and I know my desires are in-line with Him, therefore what can wrong?  I can't explain to you this peace that His Holy Spirit has wrapped me in; there is truly no words that can be expressed.  -There needs not to be any worry of finances, guidance, accomplishments; God is in control and "All I need is You"-Hillsong :)  Love that song!

In my own strength and abilities I will surely fail miserably, but by Him and his Spirit all things are possible.

"You hold, the universe
You hold, everyone on Earth
You hold, the universe
You hold
Ya You hold.
..For all I need is YOU"


1 comment:

  1. Thanks much for your wonderful testimony. Come on over. We'd love to you again... in Gabon!
